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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Carbon Monoxide Detectors Save Lives

9/26/2023 (Permalink)

Be sure to install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors

Carbon monoxide is known as the 'silent killer”. It puts your health at risk and can also pose a fire risk causing significant damage to your home.
SERVPRO® provides fire damage cleaning services and reconstruction that can remove soot, and smoke odors from your property. Our highly trained technicians respond to an emergency within a few hours.
Carbon monoxide is a type of gas produced when fuel such as wood, gas, oil, kerosene, and charcoal burns. If you don't have the appropriate ventilation or correct fuel, the carbon monoxide can get trapped in your home and build up overtime.
There are several sources of carbon monoxide you need to be aware of to help you avoid any health or fire hazards: fireplaces, chimneys, grills etc.
Because it is an invisible, odorless gas, it is undetectable without a carbon monoxide detector. Here are the signs of carbon monoxide present in your home:
Soot stains on or around gas appliances
Pilot lights that go out often
Increased condensation
Rust or soot staining in a chimney
What are the risks of carbon monoxide?
Carbon monoxide is seriously harmful to your health, and can lead to death if not addressed quickly.
Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include:

dizziness, feeling or
being sick
feeling weak
chest and muscle pain
shortness of breath
Install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors. Should a fire affect your home or business, call SERVPRO of Fernandina Beach/Jacksonville Northeast for your restoration and reconstruction needs.

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